Warriors of the Wind
Warriors of the Wind was produced by New World Pictures, dubbed into English and released briefly theatrically and then later shown on HBO and released on video tape. The movie was heavily edited for time, entire plot threads were removed, and worse than that the entire point of the movie was excised. Where Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind was a grand ecological statement, Warriors of the Wind has virtually nothing to say on the point. Characters were randomly renamed (from Nausicaa to Princess Zondra, from Asbel to Prince Milo, etc.). In the main subplot about the Ohmu, they are changed from sentient sympathetic creatures into nothing but aggressive monsters.
Warriors of the Wind was "blindly authorized" by the people behind Studio Ghibli, that is to say they did say the release was "okay by them", that is until it was released, and then (afterwards) they panicked. Studios, authors, etc typically make that "mistake" once in their careers, and nobody is fully immune from that either.
Warriors of the Wind is "Valley of the Wind English version 1.0", the release by Disney is "Valley of the Wind version 2.0"